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What Is Strategy In Pickleball Doubles?

Pickleball, the fast-paced and exhilarating sport that has taken the world by storm, may seem deceptively simple at first glance.

However, for those who truly want to excel on the court, there is a whole world of strategy waiting to be explored – especially in doubles play. In fact, having a well-crafted and executed strategy can make all the difference between victory and defeat.

Whether you’re a newcomer to the game or a seasoned pro looking to take your skills to new heights, understanding and implementing effective strategies in pickleball doubles can be the key to success.

So, if you’re ready to elevate your game and dominate on the court, join us as we delve into the art of strategy in pickleball doubles and uncover some valuable tips and techniques.

Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

What is strategy in pickleball doubles?


  • The serving team should position themselves to cover the center of the court and be ready to react to the return.
  • The return team should position themselves deep in the court to allow for a comfortable return.


  • Communicate with your partner about who will take the serve, who will cover the middle, and who will cover the lob.
  • Call out the score and make sure both players are aware of the game situation.

Effective Serving

  • Utilize deep serves to limit the returner’s options and force them to hit up.
  • Alternate between deep and short serves to keep the returners off balance.
  • Serve to the weaker player on the opposing team.

Court Coverage

  • Move laterally to cover the court and prevent gaps.
  • Communicate with your partner to ensure that all areas of the court are covered.
  • Stay in a ready position with your paddle up to react quickly to any shot.

Dinking and Volleying

  • Dink effectively to control the game’s pace and keep the ball low.
  • Volley effectively to put away volleys and force the opponents to react quickly.
  • Use a variety of shots, such as lobs, drops, and drives, to keep the opponents guessing.


  • Hit overheads with power and accuracy to make it difficult for the opponents to return.
  • Position yourself correctly to hit the overhead with an open stance and a firm grip.
  • Follow through with your stroke to generate pace and control.

Net Play

  • Move into the non-volley zone (NVZ) to put pressure on the opponents and force them to hit up.
  • Communicate with your partner to coordinate your movements and ensure that someone is always covering the middle.
  • Be ready to volley or lob depending on the opponent’s shot.


  • Be prepared to adjust your strategy based on the game situation.
  • If your opponents are returning your serves effectively, try serving to different locations or using a different type of serve.
  • If the opponents are hitting a lot of lobs, adjust your position to be ready to volley or smash them.

Goal Setting

  • Before the game, discuss with your partner your goals for the match.
  • This can help you stay focused and motivated throughout the game.
  • Celebrate your successes and learn from your mistakes.

Doubles Pickleball Strategy 101 – How to Play Smart Pickleball, 10 Tips

Pickleball doubles is a fast-paced and exhilarating sport that requires more than just quickness and agility to emerge victorious. Strategy holds the key to determining the outcome of a match, and by mastering some essential tips, players can elevate their gameplay and increase their chances of winning.

As an expert in pickleball doubles strategy, I present to you 10 tips to help you play smarter and dominate your opponents on the court.

Communication is Crucial

In the world of pickleball doubles, communication reigns supreme between partners. Before the match commences, establish a system for communicating during the game. This can involve hand signals, verbal cues, or pre-planned strategies for particular situations.

Effective communication enables partners to anticipate each other’s moves and make quick decisions on the court.

Know Your Partner’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Each player brings their own unique strengths and weaknesses to a doubles team. It is crucial to know and comprehend both your own and your partner’s strengths and weaknesses.

This allows you to develop a strategy that capitalizes on your strengths while mitigating your weaknesses.

Utilize the Entire Court

Don’t confine yourself to one specific area of the court. Utilize the entire space to create more opportunities for winning shots.

By constantly moving and utilizing all areas of the court, you can keep your opponents on their toes and make it challenging for them to anticipate your shots.

Master Court Positioning

Court positioning is paramount in pickleball doubles. Always strive to maintain an optimal position at the “T” intersection of the sidelines and centerline. This permits you to cover more ground and have better angles for shots.

Teamwork is Essential

Pickleball doubles is a team sport, so it’s vital to work together as a cohesive unit rather than as individuals. This entails supporting each other on the court, encouraging each other, and being aware of each other’s movements. Teamwork can make all the difference in a match.

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Mix Up Your Shots

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Don’t rely on a single type of shot. Vary your shots with dinks, volleys, lobs, and drives to keep your opponents guessing. This can make it harder for them to anticipate and return your shots.

Exercise Patience

Patience is a virtue in pickleball doubles.

Pickleball Doubles Strategy: How to Play Doubles when the Opponents are picking on your Partner

As a veteran pickleball player, you understand that teamwork and communication are essential in doubles play. You and your partner work together to dominate the court and defeat your opponents.

However, what do you do when the opposing team starts singling out one of you? How do you protect your partner and maintain your advantage on the court?

As an expert in pickleball doubles strategy, I have some tips to help you effectively defend your targeted partner and come out victorious.

Communication is Crucial

The first and most crucial step in defending a targeted partner is communication. Constantly communicate with your teammate, informing them of your position on the court and what shots they should be prepared for.

This not only helps to fend off the opponents’ attacks but also boosts the morale of the targeted player. When your partner knows they have your support, they will feel more confident and perform better.

Positioning is Key

Next, positioning is vital when defending a targeted partner in pickleball doubles. Stay close to your partner, especially when they are being targeted. This allows you to cover more ground and quickly respond to any shots aimed at them.

Anticipate where the opponents are likely to hit the ball and position yourself accordingly. For instance, if your partner struggles with their backhand, stand closer to that side of the court to provide additional coverage.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive

As a defender, it is essential to be proactive rather than reactive. Instead of waiting for shots to come towards your partner, anticipate and intercept them before they reach them.

By taking control of the point, you can prevent your teammate from being overwhelmed by continuous attacks from the opponents.

Utilize Effective Strategies

Using effective strategies can also help defend a targeted partner in pickleball doubles. One tactic is the “switch” technique where you switch places with your targeted teammate to confuse the opponents and disrupt their game.

This can be especially effective if your partner is struggling to defend against a specific shot or strategy from the opponents.

Remain Calm and Composed

Lastly, it is crucial to remain calm and composed while defending your teammate. It can be easy to get frustrated or overwhelmed when constantly receiving shots from the opponents, but it is important to stay focused and continue working as a team.

Take deep breaths, stay positive, and encourage each other to maintain control of the game.

Doubles Pickleball Strategy – How To Avoid Unforced Errors and Getting Attacked When Dinking

In the game of pickleball doubles, having a winning strategy is crucial for outplaying your opponents. And when it comes to the dink shot, a soft and controlled shot used to set up your team for success, having a solid strategy is key to avoiding unforced errors and preventing attacks from your opponents.

To achieve this, you must understand the concepts of perplexity and burstiness and incorporate them into your game plan.

Vary Your Placement

The first step in a successful dinking strategy is varying the placement of your shots. By using different areas of the court, you keep your opponents perplexed and make it harder for them to anticipate where the ball will go.

This not only prevents them from setting up an attack but also forces them to make unforced errors. So instead of repeatedly hitting the ball to the same spot, mix it up and keep your opponents on their toes.

Control the Pace

While dinking is usually done with a soft touch, this can also make it an easy target for opponents to attack. To avoid this, players should also vary the pace of their shots.

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By incorporating faster or slower shots into their game plan, players can confuse their opponents’ timing and make it harder for them to attack. This also allows players to control the tempo of the game and dictate the pace of play.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

One cannot overemphasize the importance of being aware of your surroundings in pickleball doubles. Anticipating your opponents’ moves and positioning on the court is crucial for a successful dinking strategy.

Pay attention to their body language and movement, and use that information to strategically place your shots where it will be difficult for them to return or create openings for your team to attack.

Communication and Teamwork

In doubles pickleball, effective communication and teamwork are vital for success. This is especially true when it comes to dinking. By communicating with your partner, you can determine who will take the shot and where it should be placed.

This coordination not only helps prevent confusion but also avoids unforced errors. Work together with your partner to cover the court and anticipate each other’s moves.

Be Adaptable

Last but not least, adaptability is key in a dinking strategy. In pickleball, the game can change quickly, and opponents may alter their tactics or shots.

How to Handle a Pickleball Shot Down the Middle | Pickleball Doubles Strategy

In the game of pickleball doubles, a well-placed shot down the middle can be a game-changer. It demands quick reflexes, effective communication, and proper positioning to successfully handle this shot and secure the point.

As an authority on pickleball doubles strategy, I have compiled some valuable tips and tactics to help you handle shots down the middle in your next match with ease.

Effective communication

Effective communication is the key to success in pickleball doubles, especially when dealing with shots down the middle. Both players should be cognizant of their court placement and who is responsible for covering the center. Simple communication like calling out “mine” or “yours” can eliminate confusion and ensure that both players are moving towards the shot. It also fosters team chemistry and builds trust between partners.

Maintaining balance and being prepared to move swiftly are crucial factors when handling a shot down the middle. This type of shot can come at any speed, so it’s essential to stay light on your feet and ready to react. Keeping your balance enables you to move efficiently and increases your chances of reaching the shot and making a successful return.

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Proper footwork

Proper footwork is also vital in handling shots down the middle. Using a split-step technique, where you take a small hop just before your opponent strikes the ball, helps anticipate the direction of the shot and gives you a slight edge in getting to it. Keep your paddle up and in front of you when preparing for a shot down the middle. This positioning allows for a quicker reaction time and improves your chances of making a successful return.

One effective strategy for handling shots down the middle is utilizing an “I” formation with your partner. In this formation, one player stands at the baseline near the center of the court while the other player stands at the kitchen line, also in the center. This formation enables both players to cover their respective sides while still being able to react swiftly to shots down the middle.

Another tactic is to anticipate the shot and move towards the middle of the court before your opponent strikes it. This positioning can put pressure on your opponent and potentially force them to alter their shot, giving you an advantage. Having a strong defensive mindset is also crucial in handling shots down the middle. Instead of aiming for a winner, focus on making a solid return and keeping the ball in play.

Pickleball Doubles Articles

Mastering the perplexing game of pickleball doubles requires more than just technical skills and physical abilities. It also involves having a well-crafted strategy that can outsmart your opponents and burst onto the court.

Here, we will explore the benefits of understanding strategy in pickleball doubles and how it can elevate a player’s performance to new heights.

Burst onto the Court with Better Decisions

One of the greatest benefits of comprehending strategy in pickleball doubles is its ability to help players make better decisions on the court. This includes knowing when to unleash an aggressive shot and when to play it safe, as well as how to position yourself strategically on the court and communicate effectively with your partner.

By possessing a well-developed strategy, players can anticipate their opponent’s moves and adapt accordingly, leading to more successful shots and a higher likelihood of winning points.

Enhance Teamwork and Communication with Burstiness

In doubles, teamwork and communication are paramount for success. Having a strategy allows players to have a shared goal and approach to the game, making it easier to communicate and execute plays effectively.

This not only improves gameplay but also strengthens the bond between partners and creates a more enjoyable playing experience.

Elevate Mental Agility

Pickleball requires not only physical strength but also mental agility and quick thinking. With a well-planned strategy, players can stay focused and make astute decisions under pressure, which is crucial in competitive matches. It also helps players remain calm and collected, even when faced with perplexing situations on the court.

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses with Perplexity

Understanding strategy in pickleball doubles can also aid players in identifying their strengths and weaknesses.

By analyzing their own gameplay and recognizing areas that need improvement, players can work on honing their skills and becoming more multidimensional players.

This includes refining specific shots or movements, enhancing court positioning, and strengthening overall teamwork and communication with their partner.

Take Your Game to the Next Level with Pharical Magic

Incorporating a strategic element into your game can take your pickleball skills to the next level. It not only helps in making better decisions on the court but also improves teamwork, communication, mental strength, and self-awareness.

With a well-crafted strategy in place, you can dominate the court and outplay your opponents effortlessly.

Explore Your Favorite Topics

Pickleball is not just a game of physical prowess, but also one of strategic thinking. This is especially true in doubles, where teamwork and coordination are crucial to outsmarting and outplaying opponents.

But what exactly is strategy in pickleball doubles, and how can you improve your understanding of it? As an expert in racket sports, I have some effective tips to elevate your game and dominate the court with your strategic mindset.

Attend clinics, workshops, and lessons focused on doubles strategy

To truly excel in any sport, learning from experienced players and coaches is key. Clinics, workshops, and lessons specifically focused on doubles strategy provide a deeper understanding of the game and how to approach it strategically.

These events often involve hands-on drills, demonstrations, and discussions with top players, allowing you to learn from their expertise.

Utilize online resources

In today’s digital age, there are countless instructional videos and articles available online that cover various aspects of strategy in pickleball doubles. These resources offer visual aids and step-by-step instructions on how to execute different strategies.

Make sure to check out the USAPA website for free instructional videos from elite players, as well as YouTube channels such as “Pickleball Channel” and “The Pickleball Show.”

Watch high-level matches

Observing how professional players approach the game can provide valuable insight into their decision-making process and help develop your own strategic thinking. Major tournaments like the USA Pickleball National Championships often broadcast matches live or post them on their websites for later viewing. Take this opportunity to analyze their tactics and apply them to your own game.

Gain experience through playing with different partners

Playing regularly with different partners exposes you to various playing styles and strategies.

This challenges you to adapt and adjust your own game plan accordingly. It also helps you understand how your partner thinks and communicates on the court, leading to better teamwork and coordination.

Participate in tournaments and leagues

Lastly, participating in tournaments and leagues offers valuable learning opportunities as you face different opponents and situations. This will push you to think strategically and apply what you’ve learned from external resources and personal experience.